welcome to shop small queen.

Hi there – I’m Britt. But, I think most of you probably already know that.

I live in Kansas City, MO with my fiancé, Mitch, and two adorable kitties, Sammi & Salem. I work full time at a global digital advertising agency. In my spare time though, I oodle over local makers, shops and restaurants, go to concerts with Mitch, batch cook/meal plan together or snuggle up at home watching some sort of food documentary or Netflix series.

Welcome to shop small queen. For some time now, I’ve been referred to as the “local-goer,” “local-vore,” “farmers’ market regular” and other little names. More recently though, I was inspired by  a new nick-name that my dear friend and local shop owner, Jessica, referred to me as: the “shop small queen.” Clearly, this stuck with me. 🙂

People turn to me to know which shops to go to, or read my FB posts as I write about how choosing to spend your money with small and local businesses makes a difference. I’m always trolling Instagram to keep up with my favorite local makers, find new ones and admire them all. I love seeing what they are working on, promoting, coming up with, how they collaborate and so on.

I’m not sure where this obsession came from, but it probably stems from my lack of ability to draw stick figures or put together Ikea furniture. However, I also think it blossoms from having always loved a sense of community and not competition – collaboration. This is something that is a very fine line and balancing act in my profession. Lastly, I was born and raised here in KC, the Heartland, and I have such a deep love and pride for this city – as most of us do – but, I think most people underestimate and undervalue it, especially during this booming time.

I’ve created this blog to put more thoughts behind my actions. Up until now, my main platform has been Instagram, but I believe that having this blog will allow me to further educate, reach and connect with those about shopping small, local makers, reviews, discovering hidden gems and more. Please join me as I revel in the handmade and small biz entrepreneur world and share not only my passion, but lifestyle for shopping small.


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