wild about wild wash – a review

Soap. Who doesn’t use it? Bar soap was the first product in my bathroom that I switched to being natural. This was also the first product (aside from art) that I started sourcing locally.

It all started back in 2014 when Mitch and I were at the Brookside Farmers’ Market one summer day. While perusing the market, we ran into a husband and wife duo with a different set up…they had soap, not food. They explained how they started making soap for their family as Christmas gifts, just a small one-time project. While doing their research to make their gifts, they slowly started uncovering how common conventional soap is full of toxic ingredients. To top this off, they also brought up the fact that our skin is the largest organ and how we are absorbing this nasty stuff! Uh, gross.

Since then, we have never turned back to conventional soap, or any bath/body products for that matter. I started making our own deodorant here and there, when I find the time. I also make all of our own home cleaning solutions and have completely rid our entire bathroom routines of conventional products. I’d say about 75-80% of them are not only truly natural, but local, too.

Body Bar Soaps

I’m not quite sure when I discovered Wild Wash Soap Co., but when I did I was instantly in love. I do, however, remember seeing Sarah Preu at the CRAFT Chick Events show at Crown Center in the fall of 2015. Her table was filled with beautifully, naturally colored soaps. They all smelled amazing, but what really captivated me was their signature wavy tops and square-cut bottoms. Simple and natural ingredients. Just how we like it. Hand made in small-batches in Kansas City. Also, just how we like it. Naturally, we had to grab some! The extra bonus that is hard to find is that they are PALM-FREE. Sure, you can get RSPO Certified palm oil, but, this and other palm certifications don’t actually resolve the palm deforestation problem. So, this is a huge win for Wild Wash in my book!

Wild Wash Soap Co palm-free and all natural soap
Photo Credit: Wild Wash Soap Co. website. My current soap bar is far too used and not pretty looking.

Having been used to natural soaps for a year now, we were pleasantly surprised at how long the scent on our bodies lasted. I found that natural soaps – featuring natural essential oil-based scents – didn’t always stick around. Not necessarily a bad thing, just something I had noticed. Not with Wild Wash though – the scents last and I love it! The soaps look beautiful and make your skin feel nourished, too.

Con: Now, of course there are goods and bads to everything. My only “problem” with these soap bars is that they don’t last as long as most others I’ve tried. I feel like this might be due to not using palm oil, which can be a good compromise, depending on your position with palm oil issues.

Since using the soaps, I have continued to fall in love with Sarah’s products and the maker herself. I think we can attribute most of our local and natural bathroom goodies to her now. Sarah is so down to Earth, always with a smile on and can talk to you about anything and everything.

Shampoo Bar

I’ve already covered on the body soap bars, but I am absolutely blown away by the shampoo bar. This is definitely my all-time favorite product from her, for several reasons:

  • No packaging waste. Sure, I can recycle, but what’s better? None at all.
  • The ingredients are again, truly natural, still with no palm. (saponified olive oil, castor oil, coconut oil, distilled water, avocado oil, cocoa butter, jojoba oil, rice bran oil, babassu oil, pure essential oils)
  • My hair has never been so clean and not like I have a film over it. And I’ve tried several different types of natural shampoos.
  • I don’t feel like I need to condition, but every once in a while do.
  • I can now go longer in between hair washes. Typically I’d go every other day or two days. I’ve gone up to four with Wild Wash’s product! (if you didn’t already know, you probably should stop washing your hair everyday.)
  • Bonus: Mitch reports that he’s noticed a considerable difference in the texture of his hair, which allows his all-natural hair gel to adhere to it much better. So stylin’.

Wild Wash Soap Co all natural shampoo soap bar

Con: You have to really, really, really, rinse your hair well. At first I thought this shampoo just wasn’t cutting it for me, but in reality is all about the rinse with this product. Wash. Rinse. Give it an extra good rinse. I promise you will see a difference and fall in love with this shampoo once you get over the ultra-rinse learning curve.

Cleansing + Exfoliating Face Wash Bars

Next up, face bars! Sarah has two different kinds: a “gentle geranium” cleansing bar and an exfoliating bar with adzuki bean. We actually have both.

I use the cleansing bar after I exfoliate with my sugar face scrub. I looove the scent of the geranium, and it’s not too strong, either. This bar does the trick for me and my routine; gives me a nice squeaky clean feeling after I exfoliate and doesn’t leave my face feeling oily (which is what I struggle with). This bar lathers up nicely and always work like a charm.

Con: Honestly, I don’t think I have any…I love this thing! She did cut the size of the bar in half from what I have pictured to match the adzuki bean face bar below, but I’m honestly unsure if the price changed or not. I haven’t had to buy any more yet.

Wild Wash Soap Co all natural gentle cleansing face wash bar

I gave Mitch the exfoliating bar for Christmas. I will continue to shame him for his use of this soap from Whole Foods. I hate the packaging waste – definitely not recyclable, the use of palm and the use of “fragrance.” He SWEARS by it for washing his face. I, however, think we can do better. 😉 Mitch and I had been toying around with buying this before, but sometimes he is cautious to switch up his face routine products as he can be sensitive with breakouts.

So, I went to the Cherry Pit Collective on Small Business Saturday, saw the bar and chatted with Sarah about it and Mitch’s concerns. She gave me info on how this bar is a great “gentle” exfoliator and how it’s not too rough and is great for those with sensitive skin. She shared a great review of a mom with two teen boys who have severe acne problems, who buys her exfoliating face soap in bulk every few months. These boys apparently got off their prescribed acne medication and now live by this stuff. Um, I’m down! I wrapped this baby up and gave it to Mitch for Christmas. After sharing that success story with him, he was eager and on-board to try!

Wild Wash Soap Co all natural adzuki bean exfoliating face wash soap bar

Now, Mitch has only been using the bar for about four days, as of writing this post, but so far, good. He’s liked the gentleness on his face, has not gotten a “flare” or “breakout” yet (which usually happens) and I was out of town for two days during his usage time, came back and noticed a difference in his skin. I actually didn’t even know he had started using this bar yet! (I figured I would have to force him to) 😉

Con: Mitch said he loves it and that thing only thing is that it’s really small, so he’d actually prefer the original size. You win some, you lose some. 😉

Smoothing Beard Balm

Another little Christmas gift for Mitch was the beard balm. It comes in this adorable little tin with a slide lid, much like you see fancy lip balms in. Again, I asked Sarah about this product before buying, as I feared Mitch would be hesitant to use something new on his face. Plus, he doesn’t have a huge raging hipster beard, so I wasn’t sure how useful this would actually be for him.

She assured me this was going to be perfect for his uses. This product is the small size it is so it won’t go bad and is easier to stick in a pocket (which Mitch values). She also mentioned how this would be a great fit for someone who doesn’t have a thick, long beard, as it is more well-suited for taming any frizz or scraggly hairs that won’t behave – much like a light pomade for your head hair. Lastly, she again told the story of how gentle her products are and reassured me that his skin shouldn’t be irritated.

SIDE NOTE: Don’t you just love how you can talk honestly with these makers? You don’t have to Google anything while standing in a store, you can ask them right then and there about their process or ingredient choices. They are never sales-y and just want to make a human connection and solve your needs.

Wild Wash Soap Co all natural smoothing bear balm

Of course, the ingredients continue to be very simple and truly natural (beeswax, avocado oil, vitamin E and essential oils)  and the scent is AWESOME – sage and cedar. Very manly and not too overbearing – perfect!

Con: There isn’t really a con because I don’t think Mitch has used it too much yet since he’s been fairly clean-shaved for the holidays. I’m sure he will continue to experiment with it though to figure out how often to use, how much to use, etc. 🙂

What’s Next

That’s about all we have used and tested in our home. I have sniffed and tested other Wild Wash Soap products at the Cherry Pit studio and fairs Sarah has attended. Everything smells delicious and you can tell everything is specially crafted for gentleness and showcases Sarah’s lovely and bubbly personality. She’s also created a “sister” company called, Wild Craft Co. This brand is where Sarah showcases her herbal bath care, soaks, balms, perfumes and hand mixed herbal infusion creations. I’ve even seen her make aromatherapy jewelry as a collaboration with Tarrah at Whiskey + Bone. Plus, she’s collaborated with other local Kansas City makers like Central Candle Co., Unbakery & Juicery, Birdie’s with this brand, and many more I’m sure. I love seeing the community come together!

Some other products I want to get and try at home from Wild Wash Soap Co. // Wild Craft Co.:

  • deodorant
  • rollerball perfumes/scents
  • moisturizer
  • room/body sprays
  • lotion bars

What I love most about this local brand and maker is how true and open Sarah, the face behind Wild Wash Soap Co., is and how you can connect with her on anything. She comes with an open heart and creates beautiful bath and body goods that you can feel great about. This Kansas City maker is constantly making new and interesting things that always has me coming back for more!

Wild Wash Soap Co all natural, handmade and small-batch palm free soaps in Kansas City

Follow along on my blog for more reviews and chats with other makers and keep up with Sarah and her two brands:

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